
No, the fate of the printed magazine or book has not been compromised by the digital age. It would seem that these 2 very different ways of reading actually complement and nurture one another. We have learnt to change our habits in order to easily distinguish the ways that these two approaches to consulting articles or stories function within our lives. Millions of people now prefer “kindle book’s to the real thing, but this doesn’t mean that the “real thing” is entirely bypassed by its virtual doppelganger. It’s just that the digital format is quite another experience. The feel and smell of a magazine or book is irreplaceable. So, in a queue, minding our own business, we discovered a new magazine, northern European, Dutch born to be exact, quite simply called “Flow”. Their covers hark back to the experience of actually flipping pages and discovering a world of illustration, design and DIY crafts, which are perfectly in harmony with what Flow propounds to be; a magazine that pays homage to the tradition of paper art. Essentially, Flow is a very up-beat quarterly with a feminine perspective and its “sunny side up” psychology might not appeal to everyone, but we actually found it to be an inspiring, enriching and fresh direction in magazine publishing. The Art direction and content clearly revolve around a thematic/homogenous continuity, which is inspired by highly creative women within different fields of design. A Remarkably inspiring and charming read and yes, with a special nod to Mums. We love its inception in other languages; it’s now out in English and the Dutch version is published on a weekly basis. It’s about talented designers exposing their drawing boards and giving away some lovely gifts with each issue. Despite the overall, distinctively retro aspect that prevails, it remains very contemporary in it’s message and, of course, has a digital edition. No time to waste, just go with Flow.